Here is a picture of when they were this was probably taken three weeks ago! Ha! This picture was SO hard to take, I think it took ten times to get this pose. It was hilarious, I was laughing so hard at them! Keegan had another Dr's appointment yesterday and the final word is. Rota Virus, Upper Respiratory Infection AND Ear of today we are 4 days with a fever, but he is really happy when it stays around 101, compared to his 104.5. He isn't sleeping well now either...but it will be soon enough and he will be sleeping through the nights again! As for Riley, he is OK. He claims he doesn't feel good either, but that is only in the mornings when it is time to get up and get ready for school, go figure! I am not so sure what his deal is lately.....
Growth Spurt Food
4 years ago
Sorry to hear everyone is sick! We went through that too up here but it wasn't as bad as you guys have had it! Hang in there!
I love you boys!!! Get better soon!
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