Our house has not been a happy house the last couple weeks. Last week Riley missed 3 days of school AND his valentines party at school, I felt so bad for him. He had a sore throat, cough and then Friday spiked a fever or 102...by Sunday he was a new boy and ready to start playing again!! On Monday
Keegan started in with the cough and runny nose, by Tuesday he just wasn't himself, he would follow me where ever I went and was crying, he had a temp of 102 so I decided to bring him to urgent care, they told me that he had
rota virus and to keep a close eye on him. We got home from urgent care and
Keegan just laid on the floor not moving, his temp got to 104 so I hauled him into ER, by the time we got there his temp was up to 104.4 already which was high for a little boy.....we spent 3 lovely hours there until they sent us home!! He isn't doing too much better today, still have a temp of 102 and crying and sleeping but hopefully by tomorrow we will have all gotten over this....we go to see Dr.
Knudson on Friday for a follow up!! I am ready for a new week!!